4 Fantastic Benefits of entertaining at home
Mar 11, 2020

For many of us, after a long week at work we automatically think to organise a dinner out in the city at a favourite restaurant or end up at a cocktail bar with friends or colleagues. Why is it we don’t, just as often consider the benefits of entertaining at home?

Ok, so you are probably thinking entertaining at home is far more labour and of course dining out is far more convenient… Well, not necessarily..

Entertaining at home does not need to be thought of as a crazy amount of work or a burden. When we think more about the benefits of entertaining at home, often we forget the act of having to cook and focus our energy instead on our guests and their company.

We have created a shortlist of benefits for entertaining at home

  • An increased level of intimacy
  • More control over the ambience
  • Well panned – it can become a fun activity for your guests
  • You save some of those dollar dollar bills

An increased level of intimacy

Entertaining at home of course comes with the added comfort of being in your own home. That means your own music, things are done on your own clock and hell if you feel like it you can wear your own pyjamas to dinner.

Seriously though, nothing beats entertaining some lifelong friends in the comfort of your own home. Less distraction, more time to chat and catch up!

More control over the ambience

We touched on this but we believe this section can be expanded. Entertaining at home really means you can create an evening special to you and your friends. There will be no annoying table next to you, your table won’t need to be flipped for a second sitting and fingers crossed there’s no obnoxious drunk guy sat behind you.

Try out some of our Spotify playlist articles for tips on creating an evening to remember with a simple, easy to find playlist…

Well panned – it can become a fun activity for your guests

Ok, so this is our personal favourite section. Often when we host friends at home we opt for a pot luck dinner! We shoot out a group text and we go back and forth deciding who will bring which course, it means nobody has a ridiculous workload and we all get to put on a little show for each other.

It also avoids any one person being left solo in the kitchen, instead between courses we top up our wine and work together.

You save some of those dollar dollar bills

Maybe the most obvious benefit of entertaining at home is the potential money savings to be made. Now you are probably thinking we are pointing out the obvious here but the reason being is we have a little opinion on these savings that we would like to share…

We often think, wow we are saving plenty of money by having these social dinner parties and therefore why not splash out on an amazing bottle of Grenache or even some truffle to grate over the pappardelle…. Truffles and a glass of red? Now we are talking.

Do you have some favourite reasons you would like to share in favour of entertaining at home?

If so, stick them in the comments below as we would love to hear about them.

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