7 New Australian Food Trends for 2019
Jul 16, 2020

Food trends are somewhat subjective but we simply love a discussion about food trends as it helps invigorate the mind, and often winds up with some new ingredients and a fresh feel to your pantry.

Hence, we simply had to share our list of 8 Australian Food Trends for 2020 with you.

You may have seen some of these trends before, others you may not. Some are new, some have made a comeback. What we can say is, you’ll be seeing some of these trends on our menus, in the newest restaurants and quite possibly on the telly…

Here is a list of Australian Food trends for 2020

1. Cauliflower everything

Once simply known for being slathered in cheese sauce and baked for hours, the Cauliflower has had a glow up with a multitude of new uses tending towards the healthy food trends of late.

Cauliflower rice, Cauliflower Pasta, Cauliflower bread, Cauliflower pizza bases you name it, this robust vegetable is being put through its paces. It’s a hardy veg with good nutritional benefits and sits well in place of carbs and starches.

Swap out your spuds for Cauliflower, roast it whole in miso or pickle it raw… Cauliflower is hot for 2019.

2. Native Australian Ingredients

Native bushfoods have been vital to Indigenous Australians for their many wonderful flavours and medicinal properties for over 40,000 years. Well it’s taken a while to tag on to these wonderful bush foods but we can tell you, you’ll be seeing more bush tucker on the menus of Australia’s best restaurants this year.

3. Miso

To be honest Miso has been a staple in our fridge for years, however I feel like its becoming more widely used for two possible reasons.

1. Its delicious.

2. It’s an amazing way to incorporate umami flavours in vegetable dishes and while we appear to moving towards a plant-based diet, umami is one thing we cannot afford to leave behind.

Roasting chicken and fish in miso will forever be delicious but don’t look past miso glazed carrots, or whole roast miso cauliflower or broccoli…

Did we mention Miso and shitake broth instead of bone broth…? Oh, my miso…

Do yourself a favour, go buy some miso and get busy.

4. Plant based meat

So, we are not here to give you advice on the stock market but did you hear that a company called Beyond meat shot up 708% from its initial IPO price of in early May. If that’s not a sign Plant Based Meats are leader of the food trends then we don’t know what is.

20% of under-35s have tried veganism, and 25% of our evening meals are now meat-free. The Plant Based diet is no longer niche, its catching up to meat-based diets. Ok, it has a long way to go but it’s still a happening movement and its closing in quickly.

“The ‘plant-based’ goods industry is now expected to be worth $4.2 billion after growing 18 per cent in the last year.

Cruelty-free eating is huge in Australia, which also has the third fastest-growing vegan population globally.”

5. Ketogenic diets

Despite the recent surge in interest, the keto diet is nothing new. Dating back to the 1920s, the high-fat, low-carb regime was historically used to treat drug-resistant epilepsy in children. Over time, it has evolved to become a weight loss method. 

Google has reported that Keto diet searches have utterly dwarfed those of Paleo and other diet trends pushing the keto Craze into the leading diet trend for 2019.

6. Hemp Revolution

“Hemp is at the forefront of multiple industries and the health and wellness world is not to be missed. Hemp offers a fantastic source of nutrition and has great ethical and sustainable practices, hence no issue slipping into our 2019 Food Trends

With high amounts of protein, and rich in omega 3, it’s quickly finding its way into salads, cereals and smoothies as well as many other well-being focussed foods.

7. Superfoods

Ok so superfoods are pretty much a trend every year, so more specific, which superfoods will we see in 2019. We think 2019 will showcase the likes of Sumac, Tiger nuts, Seaweed, Cordy Ceps, Avocado Oil, and a few other goodies that we feel deserve a Food Trends post of their own, which we will be posting next week….

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